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Secret Garden with Solar Powered Fountain

Hafan Deg, Before and After

Hafan Deg, Residential Home for the Elderly, Lampeter, Wales


This garden was designed and built with funding from a Millennium award. Simply Solar worked voluntarily every Saturday for a year to achieve its simple aims:

to create an organic cottage garden in an unused courtyard in a residential care setting. (before & after picture)

The planting includes indigenous trees and shrubs and perennial herbs and flowers.

to site a solar powered fountain as a contemplative focus for residents and staff.

to use and adapt reclaimed materials / objects to construct the fountain eg wash basin, traffic cone, lampshades.

to recycle and to reshape as many existing building materials as possible eg. slabs and glass bottles.

to have the least environmental impact.

A later addition to this garden was the installation of an exterior mural consisting of 3 tile panels showing photographic images of plants growing in the garden.

Plan, Hafan Deg
Building the Solar Fountain, Hafan Deg
Secret Garden Opening
Building Progress, Hafan Deg
Garden and Solar Fountain, Hafan Deg General View, Secret Garden, Hafan Deg Ligularia siberica
Solar Fountain, Detail
Elecampane Mural and Artichokes
Herb Spiral
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